
What is a Gift Acceptance Policy?

A gift acceptance policy is a structured set of guidelines organizations use to determine the types of donations or gifts they will accept. It outlines criteria such as legality, ethics, […]

What is a Bequest?

A charitable bequest is a direct gift made through one’s estate. It’s what people often mean when they talk about leaving money to heirs–or inheriting assets from a loved one. Bequests are one of the most common ways to make a legacy charitable donation, so it’s good to understand them, whether you’re making one in your own legacy plan or talking to donors on behalf of a nonprofit.

What Is Your Net Worth?

Our clients are often shocked–in a good way–when we tally up their assets and estimate the value of their estate. When making legacy planning-related financial decisions, this is step one. Here’s how to figure out your number!

How to Fund a Trust

Trusts are essential to legacy planning, yet they can be complex. That’s probably why trust-related questions are some of the most common we get from our clients: what are they, how do they work, and how are they funded?

Pros and Cons of a Charitable Trust

Charitable trusts are so powerful, we sometimes call them “give it twice” trusts. But while they mean a huge gift to charity and a tax-efficient income stream to loved ones (or you!), they’re not without some caveats.