Create a Legacy That Lasts…Starting Right Now!

At Apex, we play the “long game” with donors, helping them figure out the very best and most tax-efficient ways for them to make a difference for the causes they care about. Sometimes that’s today, and sometimes it’s fifty years from now! To kick off a brand new year, we asked our friend and philanthropy consultant Sybil Ackerman-Munsonto share some of her best tips for creating a legacy that makes a real difference, and how donors can start that process immediately.
How to Protect Your Assets From Long-Term Care Costs

Long-term care is expensive, and there’s a lot of confusion about where funding comes from and what estate assets will be used to pay for it. Here’s a primer on what to think about when it comes to planning for long-term care in light of your estate goals.
How to Infuse “Legacy” into Your Organization’s Fundraising Strategy

Here are some tips and tricks for growing your planned giving program–even if you’re starting from scratch!
Why Your Business Succession Plan Can’t Wait

You’ve poured your heart and soul into your business or farm. Make a plan for who will take it over someday, and how, whether that transition is planned or unexpected.
Five Reasons You Need a Will or Estate Plan

After five years in this industry, I’ve seen it all: relationships gone awry, unanticipated financial situations, incredible generosity as well as unfortunate missed opportunities. Here’s what I’ve learned and why it’s so important to have a solid legacy plan in place in case the unthinkable happens.
What is a Will vs. What is a Trust?

I know we throw around the words “will” and “trust” all the time, and sometimes it can be hard to keep them straight. Here’s a basic overview of what a will is, what a trust is, how they’re different, and which might benefit your family.
How will people talk about you when you’re gone?

Christy wears a lot of hats at Apex, and no two days are the same. Here she shares why she loves this work and how she thinks about “legacy.”
Top Financial Decisions for Recent College Grads

Nearly one-third (32%) of college students reported that COVID-19 had made their families more stressed out financially. Nineteen percent expected to take out more student debt than they had originally planned. One in 10 lost a job due to the pandemic, while 16% had reduced work hours.
How to Write an Estate Plan Preamble

The preamble to the Constitution is probably one of the most quoted parts of the document that’s so foundational to our nation. The Constitution, just like a Will or estate plan, is full of nuts and bolts. It gives instructions for how our country is to operate at a practical level. And while things are added as significant court cases are decided, it’s remained largely untouched in the centuries since the United States was founded. In the same way, a Will contains a lot of nuts and bolts about how an estate is to be handled and distributed.
Think Outside the Box: Creative Ways to Support Charity

In our work, we meet with very diverse families, of all means and lifestyles. As we help them consider all the ways they can support the causes they love, sometimes the options surprise people. Here are a few non-cash ways to support charity through your estate.